Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christians and PJs

I was watching a documentary on the USAF ParaRescue troops last night.  This particular show was about the training the airmen must endure in order to be classified a PJ (ParaJumper).  Just to show you a little of what they must endure - the following is what you must pass just to get into their training program:
- 1.5 mile run - within 10:30 (sub 9:00)
- Swim 500m - within 16:00 (sidestroke or freestyle) (sub 9:00)
- Swim 20m underwater
- Pullups - 8 (20+)
- Situps - 50 in 2:00 (100)
- Pushups - 50 in 2:00 (100)
- Flutterkicks - 50 in 2:00 (100)

That's not what they do in training!  The first phase is known as Team Training and is 8 weeks long. It consists of extensive physical training with swimming, running, weight training, calisthenics and obstacle courses. Educational training such as medical and diving terminology, CPR, weapons qualifications, and dive physics are also part of the Candidate Course.

They were showing 21 hour days of extreme physical training with so many of the guys giving up and blowing the whistle indicating their desire to quit.  Out of 120 guys who started - only 14 finished the course and got their PJ classification. 

During the training they would show the guys who had had 2-3 hours sleep and maybe 15+ hours (at that point) struggling so hard to make it through the next exercise with the DI's hot on their trail - yelling at them the whole time.  This whole training session was about building teamwork - and pushing themselves beyond every limitation they thought they had.  At one point I saw a Sgt. yelling at one of the airmen, and he said "We aren't doing this to see how quickly we can kill you, Son, we are doing this to show you how much more you are capable of!" 

Oh wow, I thought to myself.  Sometimes I feel like that's what God is saying to us-but with a slight twist - "I'm not doing this to kill you, Son/Daughter, I'm doing this to show you what you can do through me!"  How many times do we see so many young Christians start the race but give up in the hard times - in the 21 hour days??  What I saw last night really struck home, because those guys were pushing and pulling and yelling encouragement to EACH OTHER!  They so wanted their teammates to make the grade.  That's how we need to be with each other.  We need to stand up and fight TOGETHER - not against each other!  It's not about me making it - it's about US making it!

Come on, toughen up!  We can do it! 

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